Here are just a few of the accolades “The Key To A Repeating Golf Swing” has received over the years…..
I am one of those “doubting” Thomases who is naturally suspicious of ads from any old internet site – but after struggling with my game for the past two years, and figuring your book was about half the cost of the private lessons I’ve been taking, I decided to find out what your “miracle swing key” is all about.
The Verdict: WOW!
I went to the driving range a few days after reading your book and hit the most amazing bucket of balls of my life. Except for a few flubs while dialing in your technique, all were perfectly straight and long (except for the very slight pull you predicted – easy to compensate for!)
I know that with a little more practice, what you have taught me will become totally ingrained, and that I can expect near 100% consistency in my shots. I am telling every hacker I know about your book.
Thanks for making golf more fun than ever!”
Richard T. – Carmel, IN
“…Then I bought your book… Within a few days time I was showing “experienced” players what a straight and accurate shot looked like.
My whole club set with bag cost $200 brand new. Some of my friends have drivers that cost twice that! Imagine their reactions when I was out driving them by 20-30 yards with a $20 club.
Those same friends gave me a lot of flak for even buying an “online lesson.” Guess who’s on the receiving end of that flak now!
Thanks so much for making your book affordable. And thanks a LOT for improving my game so early on. I’ll be sure to give you recognition when I slip on the green jacket!”
Nick M. – Longmont, Colorado
“My name is Jim. I’m 41 years old and I live in Australia. I have been plagued by a leaking right shot for two years. I’ve been to different pros and practiced till my hands bled but nothing has stopped it.
I just read your Ebook and it made a lot of sense. I just hit some balls without using the drills and just focusing on…(The Key). Every shot was flush in the middle and my finish was perfect. I can’t believe it was so simple. The best money I’ve spent in years.
PS – I’m not telling anyone.”
Jim M. – Australia
“Robert, I can’t thank you enough for your help!
I just got a dozen [Recommended Ball]s, they are AMAZING! I have been hitting the ball 265-270 yds. every drive! They are also more durable than the [Prior Ball]s I was playing with.
I just shot a 83, my best round ever..
Again, Thanks a lot!”
Joe G – Florida, USA
“I purchased the ebook golf lesson last October 05 and I have to say it has profoundly affected my golf game. I’m 5′ 11” 260 lbs and 56 years old, I look like an old Russian weight lifter trying to hit a golf ball, so limber and elastic are not words I would use to descibe myself. I considered myself to be a rather short hitter or more likely average. I at times could have a wicked slice and was never realy happy with my game, I play twice a week and wasn’t getting any better.
Since using what I learned from your ebook my slice has disappeared and a draw has come into my life for the first time, a little to much at times and I’m considerably longer off the tee and with my irons.
I never thought I would be able to hit a golf ball over 300 yards, but I can now. OOOOOOhhh What a Feeling!!!! Using driver, wedge into a par 4 is a lot more fun than driver, 5 iron. Trust me on that one. I still have a ways to go get everything under control, but I’m much happier with my game. I just wanted to say Thank You.
Jack an American in Australia”
I finally took the lessons to the course after a day at the range…I shot 4 strokes under my handicap and shot one of my lowest rounds in a long time. I think with more practice on the system, my improvement should be even more dramatic.
Gene P. – Westlake Village, CA
“…shot 74 with only 1 birdie, i.e. CONSISTENCY!!! Thanks, your product has lived up to its claims. Its up to my little pee-brain to do the rest.”
Cal F. – Ontario, Canada
“I’ve been a student of the golf swing for years now and have read numerous books on golf instruction. “The Key To A Repeating Swing” ebook does the best job at simplifying the fundamental requirement for a sound golf swing.
Rob makes perfect sense with his analysis of the golf swing and the illustrations make it easy to follow. I felt an immediate improvement just by performing his recommended drills.
The instruction given in this book will help beginners as well as advanced golfers. ”
Ralph C. – Osterville, MA
“Hi Robert,
things are going particularly well having studied your instructions.
i have been practising – one thing i have noticed is that after many years of ” practising aimlessly” i have discovered a new awareness in what my body is doing.
this has resulted in a vast improvement of my shots – the majority of my shots are now a lower trajectory – longer wtih a slight draw – what more could i ask!!!
when i do hit a bad shot – its not half as bad as previously – and i am aware of what i did wrong.
the biggest thrill for me is knowing what feels wrong now and correcting it the next shot. which i do. i cant believe how i am so aware of my swing now, and not frustrated by the ” what did i do wrong this time” now i can feel it – now i know.
the trajectory and solid contact i am achieving now is out of sight to my previous old swing.
thank you, please keep in touch”
Steve P. – Perth, Australia
For a limited time, receive the following free bonus gifts with the 2025 “The Key To A Repeating Golf Swing” package:
Instant Access – Start Learning in Minutes
$74 Players Championship Special
Save 50%, Very Limited Time
(Sale in Progress Now)
only $37.00
Get it all for less than the cost of a dozen premium golf balls!